Tag Archives: API

SQL Managed Instance Push to Databricks Delta Live Tables via CETAS and APIs

Let’s face it, a lot of a data engineer’s time is spent waiting to see if things executed as expected or for data to be refreshed; We write pipelines, buy expensive replication software, or sometime manually move files (I hope we still aren’t in this day and age), and in the end all of this has a cost associated with it when working in a cloud environment. In the case of Databricks jobs, we often find ourselves creating clusters just to move data, where the cluster lays dormant for the most part during these extractions. In my eyes, that’s wasteful and could probably be improved upon.

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Deploy Non-Notebook Workspace Files to Databricks Workspaces with PowerShell

Databricks recently announced general availability of their “New Files Experience for Databricks Workspace”. It allows you to store and interact with non-notebook type files alongside your notebooks. This a very powerful feature when it comes to code modularization/reuse as well as environment configuration. The thing is, is that getting these to a non-git-enabled environment can be tricky.

: Deploy Non-Notebook Workspace Files to Databricks Workspaces with PowerShell Continue reading